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Is there a way that you could make it playable on browser?


I won't say much but will say this: I want to hug them all!!


I've been following Chai's development on this visual novel for the past year and some change and to say that I'm impressed with the final product is an understatement! This visual novel just exudes charm in a way that's hard to put into words. Chai has taken her fantastic world of characters within the Cabaret and has turned it into a vibrant and lively game where you as the player get to explore and really engage one-on-one with anyone of your choosing.

I've laughed out loud multiple times, charmed by the Cabaret and the range of characters found within. (No exact spoilers, but Malbec's entrance and interactions is one of those moments, Cap being a close second for me). I love the representation within the Cabaret as well, from body types to pronouns, it all feels very inclusive to be able to experience as a player.

I'm also impressed with the amount of endings you can achieve, depending on who you talk to and in what order. It gives you a great amount of replay-ability, wondering how you'll get certain endings and what you'll learn about the Cabaret members. 

I also LOVE the voice acting: each voice feels like it really fits the character its attached to. The quality is really good and really adds to the immersion of the game. Plus I also immensely enjoyed the background music - felt perfect for the ambience you would expect in an establishment like the Cabaret.

All-in-all, this is a great game to get lost in. This game is so obviously a labor of love and I can't wait to see how Chai expands upon this and the world she's creating, both within her stream as well as within this visual novel/gaming world. As someone who also enjoys making OCs and worlds for them, Chai's work has been a big inspiration of mine for some time. And it's beyond cool to see how all of her hard work has paid off in this project. Here's to whatever's next in the Plaza Promenade!

(Ok, little P.S. here, but I *just* got the Kenneth ending. SO GOOD!! Ah, I can't get over how charming this game is. Already can't wait for what comes next!)

How do you get it?

talk to everyone, and dont make a certain character or two mad, then try to explore eeeeverything! think of where you last saw him :>


I came into this as someone not versed much in Visual Novels, no expectations, no thoughts, head empty. I came out laughing, falling in love with the cast, one of which literally sounds like someone I'd be BEST FRIENDS WITH in real life (IF CAP WERE REAL SOBS), and a cherry on top with representation of an aspect of my own life and PRONOUNS!

The worldbuilding is short and sweet, you're thrown in in such a creative way, and you come out expecting to see more in the future - or at least I did!

The animation, art, and voice acting is all phenomenal, the music was just so fun to put on the background and vibe to, and a great experience to the eyes and ears! :)

P.S. Cap pls call me I miss you WAH


A proof of concept with characterisation. 🛋✨ Makes me curious about what's going to happen at the ending.

As for the animations, Voice acting and avocado-speak. With the music fitting each character being a neat-o idea package.  Fab.  🛋🌈 The Emotes sparkling.

Liked looking at Malbec

You could consider self-publishing your zines here too, that's that going to take some preparation. That's self-publishing though, only so many places to plomf the artworks.

Those are moving. 🛋📖


An amazing way to introduce your characters to your stream and set in stone what vibes you like for your stream! the characters are fun, animations and drawings are cute and well made! watching this game be made on stream was also amazing, I usually don't like games in this style as it doesn't keep me engaged, however I was genuinely really glued to this one, the music is amazing too, omg everythings' great please play it 


I loved this so much I didn’t want it to endddddd!

What a nice, cozy, and fun vn 💕

The voice acting is fantastic! The design work in the ui, scenes, and characters are all so stylish and beautiful and hot and oh my god is everyone and everything is so visually pleasing to the eyes!

The feeling of the characters and their voices feels so real. I loved talking and spending time with them all!! Especially Cap omfg Cap.  Everyone was so welcoming and charismatic! They’re all so diverse and have depth to them and it was fun to learn about them while leaving some parts as a mystery keeping me wanting to learn more.

I liked how I was initially going for Cap’s ending and out of curiosity picked an option that led me to Kenneth’s ending! He’s so cute and I wish the best time for the bestest boy 🙏

It’s so very cool seeing how you have implemented the Matinee Caberet as an environment for streams and gave it some story, depth, and liveliness on top of how alive it already is. It feels so much more real now, if that makes any sense?

Overall, I’m so in love with this place and I am very very pleased in what you’ve accomplished with having it as a vn here! Bravo!


The level of finish on this visual novel is nothing short of phenomenal. It's a delightful three hours or so full of memorable characters and fantastic voice acting. The dialogue is very well written and comes straight from the creators heart, and the colour and designs of each character are sublime.  In particular, I'm a big fan of the characterization of each member of the cast through their movements.

There's multiple endings and it's filled with SO much joy. Please consider giving a few bucks to this creator when you download this one - it's well worth it.

(1 edit) (+7)(-1)

Went through the visual novel in a couple of hours. This was a lovely little experience, creating a vibrant and cozy little world to slip into. If possible I would love to visit the Matinee Cabaret and all its feathery (and furry) folks. Some audio mixing and voice clips are a bit out of order here and there, but with the VA work already in the game, you're able to fill in the gaps relatively easily.

By far my favorites were Cap, Ven and Malbec. The loud and unabashedly herself -- the quiet-er avian with much more going on behind those spectacles -- and the big boss themselves who definitely totally did not make me blush like hell when addressing Chai in a certain way lol.

I've been following this artist for many years since I entered the furry fandom, and playing through this, it's amazing to see just how far she's come. Play this and send a few bucks their way to show support.

And Chai, thanks for helping me discover more about myself across all these years. Here's to you.